Basic Commands
Cmdlet #Commands built into shell written in .NET
Functions #Commands written in PowerShell language
Parameter #Argument to a Cmdlet/Function/Script
Alias #Shortcut for a Cmdlet or Function
Script #Text files with .ps1 extension
Applications #Existing windows programs
Pipelines #Pass objects Get-process word | Stop-Process
Ctrl+c #Interrupt current command
Left/Right #Navigate editing cursor
Ctrl+Left/Right #Navigate a word at a time
Home/End #End Move to start / end of line
Up/Down #Move up and down through history
Insert #Toggles between insert/overwrite mode
F7 #Command history in a window
Tab/Shift-Tab #Command line completion
$var = "string" #Assign Variable
$a,$b = 0 or $a,$b = 'a','b' #Assign Multiple Variables
$a,$b = $b,$a #Flip Variables
$var=[int]5 #Strongly Typed Variable
Get-Command #Get all commands
Get-Command -Module RGHS #Get all commands in RGHS module
Get-Command Get-p* #Get all commands starting with get-p
Get-help get-process #Get help for command
Get-Process | Get-Member #Get members of the object
Get-Process| format-list -properties * #Get-Process as list with all properties